Introducing the NEW healow patient portal experience

Thu, May 02 2024

We're announcing a NEW healow experience! In accordance with the 21st Century Cures Act and the capabilities of our records system, we will be moving to a new, more pediatric-friendly portal over the next few weeks. The biggest difference? Our portal will now be available for up to two parents or legal guardians for each patient, as requested.

Additionally, teens over the age of 16 are eligible to enroll into a self-managed portal account by providing their email address as the primary account holder. Primary teen accounts are required for portal participation because teens at this age assume ownership over their medical record pursuant to SC Law.

To that end, we will be pausing all portal accounts for patients aged 16+ on June 3, 2024 as we move everyone to this new portal. Teens may sign up for a portal account and opt to grant access to parents or legal guardians to act as a medical proxy and secondary portal user on their behalf by completing a new Teen Demographic Form (if out of date) or Proxy Authorization Form in our office. We encourage patients, parents, and caregivers to review the additional information about our proxy portal, available in the New Healow Portal document located HERE.
